Hi, I'm Taiwei Shi

I'm a Ph.D. student at USC
Taiwei Shi is a Ph.D. student at University of Southern California, advised by Professor Jieyu Zhao. Previously, he graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Computer Science degree. He is from Dongguan, China.
At Georgia Tech, he was fortunate to be advised by Professors Mark Riedl and Diyi Yang. He spent some of his summers doing research at Microsoft Research and USC ISI.
His research interest mainly revolves around natural language processing and computational social science. Recently, he is particularly excited about alignment, synthetic data, and human-AI interaction.

Featured Research Publications

Latest research for fans of natural language processing.

Aligning LLMs With In-situ User Interactions And Feedback
Preprint 2024
Uncertainty-Guided Work Allocation between Human and Large Language Models for Data Annotation
EMNLP 2023
Safer-Instruct Aligning Language Models with Automated Preference Data
NAACL 2024